our work
Salasan focuses on aiding people to improve their lives through our work which involves combinations of the following activities and areas of expertise:
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning
- Our central practice draws on our experience with scores of assignments involving public and private sector organizations, and domestic (Canadian) and international clients. Salasan has monitored humanitarian and development assistance projects in the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and Asia. We have reviewed country and regional programs for international agencies and conducted formative and summative evaluations of projects for USAID, FCDO (UK), DFAT (Australia), and Global Affairs Canada. Salasan has prepared research and policy briefs and communications materials involving gender analysis, human rights and food security and nutrition.
Project Management
- Salasan has served over several decades as the implementing partner for multi-year multi-million dollar development projects in Asia and Africa. We work with international donors and local partners in preparing results-based performance monitoring and financial tools and ensuring accountable and timely reporting.
Program and Project Design
- Salasan works collaboratively with commissioning agencies and stakeholders in strategic planning and project design. We have been instrumental in designing and delivering projects ranging from forest research and actuarial sciences in Southeast Asia to health and information technology in West Africa.
Our clients include:
- UN and international agencies: World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, Inter-American Development Bank, World Food Programme
- National and Regional Governments: Canada, UK, Australia, United States, European Union
- NGOs: Red Cross, Aga Khan Foundation, IDRC, Action Canada, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Mercy Corps, Commonwealth of Learning
- Universities and Colleges: University of Waterloo, University of British Columbia, Ecole Polytechnique Montréal, Simon Fraser University
Our work in five continents includes:
- Middle East and North Africa: Egypt, Palestine, West Bank/Gaza
- Sub-Saharan Africa: Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Cameroon, DRC, Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, South Africa, Mozambique
- Central and Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Poland, Russia
- Asia: Mongolia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Myanmar
- Caribbean: Jamaica, Barbados, Eastern Caribbean States, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana
- Central and South America: Belize, Honduras, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia